The Key Capabilities required to run a sustainable and productive Human Resource Development model are strategic, management and inter-personal skills. In order to build capacity for employers, employees and teams to exercise these skills, it is imperative that they are assisted by a well-constructed Executive Coaching Program. Executive Coaching is a critical area of growth for all organisations, one that is often deprioritized. Quite often, it is possible for executives to feel redundant in their role, or operational processes. Organisations might lack completion in their fulfilment of goals or require an appraised alignment of executive performance with the overall vision of the firm.
CETraC Human Resource Center offers clients world-wide, an exclusive range of Executive Coaching Programs, customised to meet their respective organisational needs. We also undertake real-time, on-on-one Executive Coaching assignments that allow an executive active involvement in identifying personal and organisational areas of concerns, without hampering their day-to-day responsibilities. Distinct from other forms of developmental workshops, our Executive Coaching programs use facilitation skills and tested support mechanisms to mentor individuals and teams in a lasting and growth-oriented manner. Each program is tailor-made to suit the learning and developmental needs of the candidate enrolled. By actively following our professional guidance, executives have reached performance break-throughs over the past decade.
The accomplished coaches at CETraC Human Resource Center have unmatched skill and several years of experience in the field of coaching. We at Center for CETraC Human Resource Center, recognise the uniqueness of individual growth requirements. Coaching does not follow a ’one-size-fits-all’ philosophy, and hence CETraC Human Resource Center adopts a participant-specific approach to ensure that each team-member learns to make valuable contributions of talent and skill – aligned to the objectives of their organisation. Our training programs have assisted institutions in the government, financial and tertiary economic sectors of many countries to generate positive ROI (Returns on Investment) consistently.
Our Executive Coaching Programs uses the following frame-work:
- Needs Identification
- Evaluation and Feedback (Active Coaching)
- Individual and Group Development Plan
- Implementation and Follow-up
Individuals and teams attending our Executive Coaching Programs qualify for Internationally Acclaimed Certifications across diverse fields.